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CONSCIOUS ACHIEVEMENT COACHING PROGRAMMES achieve more for you and your company

If you want to develop yourself and the way you work, this Programme could be just what You are looking for. In a safe setting you will:

- Gain confidence and a stronger belief in yourself

- Clarify and develop your values and beliefs

- Understand yourself and how your actions affect people

- Gain a new perspective of yourself and your life

- Recognise and make choices to change

- Implement new strategies to develop yourself and your company

"This has made me see what I'm supposed to be doing"

You will meet with Chrissie McGinn or Richard Hewitt, your Conscious Achievement Coach, once a week for seven weeks. These could be early morning or evening meetings of about two hours if that suits you best.

enjoying a coaching session"I wanted to thank you for your time today.  I have come away with some very useful tools which will help me improve my way of handling those difficult situations/ people.  I understood the model you used and can relate it to my own position in the lab. You were superb at explaining it all and I really felt that you understood my own situation.  I will start practicing and know that one day it will become more of a habit."

Here is an outline of the programme:

Week 1 Focus - Identifying your achievements
Week 2 Focus - Increasing your contribution to your company's success
Week 3 Focus - Achieving more through successful relationships
Week 4 Focus - Recognising and valuing your wisdom
Week 5 Focus - Identifying and achieving your objectives
Week 6 Focus - Making the most of changes in your life and work
Week 7 Focus - Continuing to achieve more

Between each session you will work on your current issues and problems. You will be able to see how to deal more positively with day to day experiences to gain the outcomes you want. Conscious Achievement Coaching Programmes are real. You learn from the current issues of the business, and it changes as you learn. Each week you become more aware of your contribution and how to improve both organisational and personal performance. You start to understand your personal strategies within the context of the organisation. You start to celebrate success.

“It’s like looking through different glasses and realising what’s really possible.”

A Conscious Achievement Coaching Programme will inspire you to:

- Achieve more

- Solve current issues

- Use your emotional intelligence

- Improve the performance of the company rapidly.

The cost: £1400 If you think this programme is for you please phone now, on (44) 01798 872 266, or go to contact us or email headed “Conscious Achievement Coaching”


Chrissie McGinn & Richard Hewitt also act as personal coaches and mentors to a wide range of managers. Some meet once a month, while others telephone WISBOROUGH as and when the need arises. You will be supported and inspired to bring out the best in yourself and others. contact us on 01798 872266 or go to contact us or email headed "Coaching" to see how we can help you


If you would like us to train people in your organisation to become coaches, contact us on 01798 872266 or go to contact us or email headed "Coaching" to see how we can help you

We hope that you will come and enjoy working with us soon.

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